Paleontologists Discover The Largest T-Rex on Earth: A Towering 8.8 Ton Dino

The gigantic, battle-scarred skeleton of “Scotty,” is the world’s largest Tyrannosaurus rex and the largest dinosaur skeleton ever found in Canada.

Nicknamed Scotty, the record-breaking Tyrannosaurus Rex is the biggest dinosaur skeleton ever found.

With a weight averaging 8.8 tons, paleontologists have excavated the fossilized remains of what is considered the largest T-Rex on Earth.
The ‘Rex’ of ‘Rexes’ lived in prehistoric Saskatchewan some 66 million years ago and measured 13 meters, according to University of Alberta paleontologists.

“This is the rex of rexes,” explained Scott Persons, a U of A paleontologist who led a study on the once formidable dinosaur, nicknamed Scotty.

“There is considerable size variability among Tyrannosaurus. Some individuals were lankier than others and some were more robust. Scotty exemplifies the robust. (He) comes out a bit heftier than other T-Rex specimens.”

Paleontologists have revealed it had massive leg bones indicating it had a living weight of more than 8,800 kilograms, which is much larger than all other carnivorous dinosaurs.
Although exact details about Scotty were only recently revealed by scientists from the University of Alberta, the specimen was actually discovered in 1991.
The Dinosaur’s skeleton was encased in sandstone and it took experts more than a decade to clean.
Only recently, and after years of putting Scotty back together like a gigantic jigsaw puzzle were paleontologists able to study the specimen, revealing its massive size.
Scotty is the oldest T-Rex known,” Persons explained.
By which I mean, it would have had the most candles on its last birthday cake. You can get an idea of how old a dinosaur is by cutting into its bones and studying its growth patterns. Scotty is all old growth
Experts estimate that the gigantic dinosaur was around 30 years of age when it died.
By Tyrannosaurus standards, it had an unusually long life. And it was a violent one,” Persons revealed. “Riddled across the skeleton are pathologies—spots where scarred bone records large injuries.
As noted by experts, a new exhibit featuring the skeleton of Scotty is set to open at the Royal Saskatchewan Museum in May 2019.

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