Virgin Galactic Space Plane Just Took Its First Passenger To Space

Virgin Galactic successfully brought its first test passenger to space today in the company’s second attempt with SpaceShipTwo in 10 weeks – the fifth attempt overall – to make space, this time reaching higher altitudes and faster speeds than ever before.
Virgin Galactic Space Plane Just Took Its First Passenger To Space

The three-person crew includes Chief Pilot Dave Mackay, the 569th person to travel to space and the first Scottish-born astronaut, Pilot Mike “Sooch” Masucci (570th), as well as Chief Astronaut Instructor and the first woman to fly aboard a commercial spaceship, Beth Moses (571st). It marks not only the first time that a non-pilot flew onboard a commercial spaceship to space but also the first time three people headed off – one of whom floated freely without restraints.

“Beth, Sooch and I just enjoyed a pretty amazing flight which was beyond anything any of us has ever experienced. It was thrilling yet smooth and nicely controlled throughout with a view at the top, of the Earth from space, which exceeded all our expectations... For the three of us today this was the fulfillment of lifelong ambitions, but paradoxically is also just the beginning of an adventure which we can’t wait to share with thousands of others,” said Mackay in a statement

Learn more here.

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