A New Theory On Time Indicates Present And Future Exist Simultaneously
to a new controversial theory, everything around us is intricately planned, and
each and everyone’s destiny has already been decided. The new theory suggests
that time does not PASS and that everything is ever-present.
fact, time is not linear as we have been thinking all along, and everything
around us is ever present.
researchers indicates that time should be regarded as a dimension of spacetime,
as relativity theory holds — so it does not pass by us in some way, because
spacetime doesn’t. Instead, time is part of the uniform larger fabric of the
universe, not something moving around inside it.According to a scientist,
everything that has happened, and everything that will happen is in fact
occurring at this very moment as time is positioned in space.
new theory proposed by Dr. Bradford Skow, an associated professor of philosophy
at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) indicates that if we were to
look down on the universe, we would actually observe time and events spreading
out in all directions.
what does this actually mean? Well, it suggests that time as we know it is
incorrect, in other words, it’s not linear as we have been thinking all along.
In fact, everything around us is ever present.
new theory is detailed in Dr. Skow’s book, Objective Beginning, where he
writes: “When you ask people, ‘Tell me about the passage of time,’ they usually
make a metaphor.
say time flows like a river, or we move through time like a ship sailing
through the sea.”
author argues that he “wouldn’t want to believe in that unless I saw good
arguments for it.”
In “Objective Becoming,” Skow aims to convince readers
that things could hardly be otherwise. To do so, he spends much of the book
considering competing ideas about time — the ones that assume time does pass or
move by us in some way. “I was interested in seeing what kind of view of the
universe you would have if you took these metaphors about the passage of time
very, very seriously,” Skow says.
say time flows like a river, or we move through time like a ship sailing
through the sea.”
author argues that he “wouldn’t want to believe in that unless I saw good
arguments for it.”
Skow believes that in a so-called ‘block universe- a theory which states that
the past, present and future exist simultaneously.
other words, this means that once an even has occurred, it continues to exist
somewhere in space-time.
new ‘controversial’ theory is backed up by Albert Einstein’s theory of
relativity which indicates that space and time are in fact part of an intricate
four-dimensional structure where everything that has occurred has its own
coordinates in space-time.
Skow further details:
The block universe theory says you’re spread out in time, something like the way you’re spread out in space. We’re not located at a single time.”
Skow agrees that while things change and we see time as if it were passing, Dr.
Skow believes that we are in a ‘scattered conditions’ and that different parts
of time may be dotted around the infinite universe.
While I appreciate theory’s I really need to hear scientific finding and evidence. Please can someone elaborate or draw some kind of diagram with explanation. Maybe Jacob Barnett.
This is a philosophical theory. Interesting, but does science have anything to say about it?
Sounds like a regurgitation of the "doubling time theory" by Jean-Pierre Garnier Malet. A lot of bollocks with no serious scientific support.
I JUST made a comment and it says "3 months ago". Maybe the theory is right LOL
The mystical texts of Judaism, Kabalah, state that from the perspective of the Limitless, Timeless Creator, linear time is non existent-
Linear time is an illusion for the purpose of conferring free will to mankind. Our soul journey here is taken also via an illusion of space and material solidity- Quantum science is approaching this realization. But we still have to live our daily lives from within these illusions in order to grow spiritually-
Time is the only viable measurement of our existence. Without time, you could not prove that an event or life itself ever existed. It is the only true measurement. However, this is an interesting theory that does not account for the expansion of space from the beginning. Expansion itself, is flow.
Anyone have more links to assist this article?
The book is Objective BECOMING -- not Objective BEGINNING.
Time is spread out like the span of a movie thats printed on a DVD, there’s a beginning, a middle and an end this is similar to our universe where the future, the present and the past exist simultaneously, Where we focus our consciousness is where the immediate present is, our focus is comparable to the Laser beam that reads the data printed on the disc, the present could be anywhere on the disc as we can press forwards or backwards to any particular chapter of the movie, it’s when we press play that it becomes the immediate present while traveling in time would be like skipping chapters forwards or backwards, when they say the future, the present, and the past exist simultaneously, , they meant that it is just like the movie printed on a DVD,
This is not new
it has been some time (no pun intended) since I have read such a poorly constructed article on what should be a significant line of research. Get an editor!
If we think about it on a Quantum level it will be clear to us that moments are appearing into present and moving into the future. What is time and space? Only time as can see something, when we separate it from within. The time it takes for 'one' to acquaint oneself with something at a distance is time and space for that particular individual.
Professor Brian Green also believes same, in his documentary (The illusion of Time). He thinks that past, present and future exists as slides in the cosmic theatre and that the cosmic projector takes the now slide to be shown on the theatre. but the arrow of time is related to the Entropy (disorder), so not possible to reverse time.
A strange way to end the neurons!
TIME do not exist. What we are experiencing is not Time but the motion of the continuous expansion of the Cosmos. Trillion of Light Years later, the Cosmos shall reverse its motion from expansion to contraction.
Hey wait a minute. Einstein came to the same conclusion a century ago when he declared that "time is an illusion" and that the past, present, future exist simultaneously. Brad Skow's is plagiarizing Einstein! :O
The idea is not new. Check out this video by string theorist Brian Greene. Very well explained: https://youtu.be/9Qu9XaF2K10
So Muhammad was right and what will be is written? I had no idea he was a physicist!
What about the fact that the stars and galaxies are lights that finally arrived here after millions of years and the past is actually what we see when we see the starry sky? Does that mean that the past exists at the same time as well?
It's not "new" and it's not a "theory", it's an hypothesis, don't make it sound like it's either of those things. The book is new, not the hypothesis.
You don't want to allow a moron like Trump to have a kernel of truth in his bullshit ('fake news' for this case.)
The article is not very detailed but its fundamentals are totally accurate. Time is not linear even if we experience it as such at our scale. People here ask for explanations and diagrams. They will have a better understanding of it if they actually search within themselves for this explanation. I have been lucky to experience this concept of "timeless" time with my own mind and at an early age. It does change everything and in a way makes everything a lot easier to understand.
I have been lucky to experience this in person
in a way that is
Time is relative only to us. A way of keeping track of our own understanding of the universe.
Interesting article
My guess is time as an illusion is incorrect. Our perception of it as a constant my be the illusion. But time seems to be a product the attraction and repulsion of all things. On the quantum scale its influence maybe to small to measure, but still it’s a factor. I thinking of perceived space as blank page in a book. Matter as the pen.The attraction/repulsion (pull/push) of matter and space would be the writing on the page. Quantum= the push/ pull contact of page and pen to form the letter symbols (A,B,C etc.) The words and sentences formed = space/time. Our comprehension of what is being said maybe the illusion time. But this also brings in the idea of the writer or the reader affecting the meaning or the outcome of push/pull of space/time. Just an idea. I’m fascinated with the make up of our existence. Not a learned scholar. Any thoughts?
��...not so new......�� ....This is actually a natural consequence of the WTM Geometrodynamics of 'Superspace as being the collection of all available 3-geometries as originally advanced 1950's by WTM https://the-eye.eu/public/WorldTracker.org/Physics/Misner%20-%20Gravitation%20%28Freeman%2C%201973%29.pdf https://arxiv.org/pdf/0902.3923.pdf
Utter nonsense. Ever noticed a wrinkle on your face? Is that a metaphor? Hardly. Go to a graveyard and wake up.
In the Buddhism erspective time is not real.
I know I'll probably get hammered by the secularists on here but:
I’ve often said this when discussing a quality of God that doesn’t get discussed often. Most Christians have had discussions about God’s omniscience (all-knowing), His omnipotence (all-powerful), and His omnipresence (His being everywhere) - but few discussions have been had discussing His being “omni-temporal.”
When discussing His omnipresence – if He is everywhere, then the term “there” is without application to Him as everywhere is “here.” As He created space, He very well understands the terms “there”, “distance”, etc – they just don’t apply to Him.
By the same token, He created time when He created space. He’s “omni-temporal” (His eternal existence – w/o beginning or end). But this term that I’ve come up with for this quality goes far beyond His eternal existence. Just as “there”, “left”, “up”, “down”, “east”, “north” don’t apply to Him because everywhere is “here” for Him, so the terms “past”, “future”, “then” don’t apply to Him either as He’s not bound by a temporal existence, and all time from its beginning ‘til time ceases to exist are “now” for Him. Just as He understands distance (including the units used to measure it), up, left, there, etc. and how they apply to us, He also understands time (and its units), yesterday, tomorrow, etc and how humanity experiences it.
I mention this not only as a possibly new way for people to think of God’s qualities, but also in regards to how people will use the Biblical phrase “a day is like unto a thousand years, and a thousand years like unto a day” to pervert Genesis 1 to reconcile the Bible to the Godless, worldview-driven, secular science’s doctrine of millions/billions of years. God could have equally have said in Scripture that “an inch is like unto a parsec, and a parsec like unto an inch,” and it would be just as true for Him as the earlier phrase. But we have no evidence from the Bible that God ever gave specific linear dimensions of something, but was in reality meaning completely different values. Same with Genesis – to use the day/thousand years verse to re-interpret what God meant about the days of the Genesis account has no Biblically-based evidence. In addition, despite what science says about the proven “eons-old universe and earth,” much of that proof is based on data that are provided by highly-subjective, questionable methodologies, and the data is interpreted by even more highly subjective secular worldviews.
Very good theory
Linear time was developed and synchronized to align capital with manageable labor.
This article is so badly written and has so many typos, missing and extraneous words that it is for all intents and purposes unintelligible. Why don’t you guys employ a real proof reader or don’t you care?
Just what I thought one week from now ....
Does time flow like a ship up shits creek, without a paddle, or does it skip like a stone upon the rocky shore? Is time ever present in the infinite expanse of our own Egos, or does it stagnate on the barren terrain of our Libidos? Is time an illusion or are we prisoners here of our won design? I believe that "time" is an arbitrary unit of measurement that quantifies a set of perimeters set against the span of infinity. Like taking a 12 inch ruler to measure the sky. You can't measure the whole sky; you can only measure a portion of the sky. Time is infinite. Space is infinite. This universe is finite, but the number of universes infinite. If one is able to rise above "our" universe, one would see infinity and that we are part of a cluster of universe. Any numerical value us would use to measure time would make it finite, but if time has always existed, and time will always exist; how can you measure something that has no beginning and no end? One should remember that a theory is not law and is only an "educated" guess. A Theory is an opinion that some one has about something. Opinions are like assholes; everyone got one.
J W Dunne has a great book with a seemingly similar basis. An experiment in time. Anyone read this?
I don't know I kinda like the Wayback machine theory
God has limited our understanding for now, as even He told Noah to build the arc according to cubit measurements. One has to be dead or not yet alive, or incredibly and inextricably WOKE, in order not to conceive of living, aging, changing as taking place over time as a continuum. Descartes was aware of this fact while watching a candle burn and melt over time. Anyone who has flatlined and come back from the dead, as i have 3 times, knows that timespace is a human construct but so is living a human construct. Yes the article needs serious editing because, just like life, it must be changed in order to be perfected, and in this life, unfortunately or not, the process of perfection takes time.
" Time " is a way to describe the occurrence of events and is a " concept " of our making that is convenient as it overcomes the descriptive limitations in communication
So, how does experience fit into this theory?
sure... why not. My only gripe is this physics question is presented by an associat professor in philosophy. With that said...this article is very vague and poorly written.
So does this mean every embarrassing thing I have ever done in my life is still happening somewhere? Arrrgghhh! Say it ain't so!
.....my own unified model, completely explains 'time ' - MORE accurately, 'temporal EXPERIENCES' - as a STRICTLY localized, entirely SUBJECTIVE consideration resulting from, as with EVERY aspect of (our) existence, facilitating medial density / resonant potential and extent of entangling / constructive, cohering relationships - absolutely NOT a 'dimension' - as NONE of those exist beyond the three - OR 'constant'.....
Very informative & interesting. So, Deja Vu would be some sort a time travel?
So, where's the math of it? or it is just a 'word theory'? lets see some equations, genius....
Time could be like a vinyl record, perhaps we are just being played.
"Dr. Skow believes that in a so-called ‘block universe- a theory which states that the past, present and future exist simultaneously. In other words, this means that once an even has occurred, it continues to exist somewhere in space-time."
ONCE AN EVENT HAS OCCURRED. I thought past, present, and future existed simultaneously, according to this theory. If you have to wait for an even to occur before it will continue to exist somewhere, that means the future does not exist simultaneously.
If all three exist simultaneously, there is no need to wait for an event to occur. If it occurs in the future, it is occurring simultaneously with the past and present.
I agree that time is simultaneous but that NO ONE'S destiny is already decided. THAT is not what simultaneous time is all about. The past, present & future are simultaneous--but changing--especially the fluid future which sprouts infinite probable realities as we go along. To use another metaphor--time grows like an onion getting fatter and fatter and not like a line getting longer and longer.
Seth from the Seth Material with Jane Roberts has been saying this since 1963.
Time is man made and is merely perceived as a linear "flow" by humankind. Our body and other bodies around us moving through space and our and their constant state of decay (entropy) is what gives us this perception. My belief is all occurrences then, now and to come are like the frames of a film strip which can be held in a given position or moved forward or backward. We as humans haven't or we just have not discovered the ability to jump from the now to the then or to come or at least not consciously.
Have you ever experienced a memory so vivid and real that in that split second you actually thought you were back there existing once again in it? Have you ever heard "Time Passages"?
Not a physicist, not a philosopher, I'm just another regular "Joe" wondering, "Hmmmm...."
so this way.... Time travel is possible?
Anon, Kurt Vonnegut Jr put out your idea of past, present & future in his book Slaughterhouse Five. I believe tho that using your analogy, we have the ability to go into the film strips and actually alter them--past and future...and the people in all the film strips can communicate with other in altered states like the dream state or out-of-body states.
The thought exists, therefore is a reality. Easy way to compare Newtonian physics to Quantum Physics is in Newtonian Physics (just like so many above have written) people object and say "You can't prove that!" But in Quantum Physics, people say "You can't dispove that."
Well ... it's an interesting read, and the thought is a variation on many metaphysical themes from many ages. BUT, I hope there is no truth to the suggestion that "once an even has occurred, it continues to exist somewhere in space-time."
I have said and done so many stupid things in my life - to think they are, and will be, perpetually occurring in some eternal space-time continuum is unsettling to say the least - and also a great reminder to keep those stupid things in check the best I can ...
It is still just a philosophy, a way of thinking. Time being linear or ever present doesn't affect our physical existence.
Marika, I believe it greatly affects our physical existence--while at the same time not affecting it. This is what I mean. It doesn't affect it as far as our everyday waking reality goes. We still have to meet someone for lunch at 1 pm. Get the dentist at 2:30 pm. Go out for a movie at 8:30 pm and so forth.
But it would it greatly affect our physical existence IF it meant that we can communicate with ourselves and/or others in these other time periods--either in the dream state, meditative state, day dream state, out-of-body state or whatever.
In theory, we would be able to with our past and future selves--as well as other incarnational selves. We would actually be able to communicate with any humans who ever lived, lives or will live.
I believe these communications do go on--but mostly we don't remember them...like mostly we don't remember dreams or our full dream experience.
It's like a realm
It is absolutely true. I agree with him. Our Spiritual Guru Shri Avadhoot baba Shivanand ji of Shiv Yog has told the same thing I too personally believe this.
As I see it, we experience time in the universe because without movement in time there can be no movement in the physical and thus no ability to reference anything. We only can experience the universe if there is change. Conversely, there may be a condition that exists outside of time. I refer to quantum entanglement. Time or distance has no effect on that. Who can say that thought is limited to space/time. Is there any reason that thoughts can't have always existed and will always be perceived by other thoughtful entities in the universe? Outside of time?
This article is full of holes...
Time is a basically an illusion...it was ..it is and is to come ...it's like A book where the author has the control over the script (outside of that time frame ) a story has many variables and he can decide to change the story line at any given time up to the very last line at the end ... the book,dvd ,cd ,film has the entire storyline...chose which chapter or verse you want to start from...unfortunately we can't... back to the future...how we experience time is all of the above comments and we will never get the understanding of its fulness ..that is why it is an illusion ... a dreamlike state ...pinch myself...am I dreaming or not
Don't repeat this info to the banks they will stop paying interest
Energy transference from mind to matter is time. Energy transference from mind to plasma is timeless. We can revisit time by spiraling up or down the frequency of the twelfth dimension.
This theory only works if "... each and everyone’s destiny has already been decided." (as it states in the very first paragraph. This is, however, in direct contradiction with the (non-deterministic) predictions of Quantum Theory. Many experiments have been performed to test this - and the experimental results were always consistent with Quantum Theory. Based on this, I don't see any possibility that the above theory could describe nature.
I have just eaten a human.
Someone likened it to a dvd, where it’s spread out and you can have past present and future all next to each other and the laser has to move around the disc to see each moment... isn’t that still a line that travels in a flat spiral rather than traveling straight from point to point. I don’t see a difference because in both scenarios, you cannot BE on the same spot at the same time. You still have to travel to get to each moment, they do not coexist in the same place. I do believe there are different dimensions. Also you might want to consider an editor or proof reader? This article was painful to read.
I've never seen it any other way.
This is not a new theory. I have read a few books from the 60s and 70s on this...for example Dick Sutphen has a great explanation.
I knew he was gonna say that.
I had an experience once wherein my spirit was lifted up above the earth. (My spirit flies when I sleep) I saw the earth laid out flat, but rolled up on both ends, like a scroll in ancient times. As I looked, I could see the past, present, and future, all at the same time. Uf I wanted to, I could have zoomed in to see any particular person, place, or event, at any past, present, or future, time. This happened to me around 35 years ago. It was then that I realized that the past, present, abd future, do indeed all exist simultaneously. It also showed me how Moses was able to tell about the creation of earth, animals, plants, and humans. Only in the spiritual dimension can one observe these things. I seriously doubt that scientists would be able to prove it using physics or quantum theories.
I am a grammar nerd and it really irritates me that we are unable to correct typos. Ugh!!!
This article reads like a 7th graders first research paper.
This isn't new at all. Mystics have said something like this for years and were considered crazy. There is no time.. . everything that has ever happened or "will" or could happen is happening now. We only use it here to carry on in this illusion we have created that we call life. Start meditating and seek your answers from within and you shall find the truth. Perhaps one day science will catch up and be able to prove the words of the mystics. Those will be great days and will transform this Earth and all of us with it. Keep on keeping on scientists except take your thoughts to your heart instead of using your mind. It is here you will solve your theories :) Don't take my word for it, try it and see. If you like, I can help you reach a special place in the heart to "think" from then you can put it to work for you and all of us :) Until then, I wish all of you to be filled with Love and Light.
Well, if 'The Future' already exists (not a possible future variable, but a concrete reality?), then our freedom of choice in every moment is all allusion... Where is chance or risk then!
Isn't it maybe the other theory - that every possible future or parallel reality exists? ;-)
the future
the past
so constantly
so perfectly
that there
is only
the present
and every
every trace
every thought
every everything
is uniquely
beyond dispute
and plausible
and what was
now never
than what
now is
what was
What Markus said. The idea is greatly at odds with Quantum theory, so is surely wrong.
Well, since I'll be going out and coming home at the same time, I hope I don't bump into myself---(don't want to hurt my knee).
Interesting easy to read and understand article and theory. I would be interested in what Skow thinks of further related possibilities in quantum physics such as multiple or infinite 'universes' existing in multiple or infinite dimensions and the string theory of new universes being created constantly. If Skow subscribes to the generally accepted big bang singularity beginning of space and time and that the universe expands from that at a constant rate I would be interested to now if he thinks space and time are infinite or will have a finite end point or will collapse on itself. Not that I know much about all this but I am an interested layman.
Well, Science is coming up gradually. When the first scientists said that they "ddiscovered" life in space, so many debunked the claim. Now, some nations are planning to establish a base in the space. And when Galileo said that the earth was " spherical", he was sent to the gaol to pine away for the rest of his life.
When Christopher Columbus sailed to "discover" America, the authority in Roman Empire said he was going to fall into water or nothingness, for the claimed that the earth was flat. And even when he brought with him Red Indians and they couldn't speak the language in the empire, they claimed they Indians has no "Soul"
The ECKMASTERS-God Realised Adepts and Masters in ECKANAKR......hhas always taught their students that Space and Time are illusions. .....fFor we live in the present.
This new REALISATION by science is a step forward, but science is still CRAWLING. Regards
everything I have read shows me how clueless every one is and I mean every one
Events vs. Information
When the event occurs that is the only time it happens. It does not continue to happen. What you witness is the information that is brought to you by bands of light each containing numerous nows. As they travel to you over the distance of the points in space to where you are, what your eyes receive from first to last is old information. Time is the only thing which comes close to recognizing the event when it happens. It will still have to wait for the information in the form of energy to be released before it can gather it and move forward. Mistaking information as the actual event is incorrect. The event only happens once at its location in the points of space where it is occurring.
Whether correct or not, I will explain the way I understand it. First, when we are referring to 3 dimensional space, we are doing so as if the Earth is in a fixed location. And as long as we are referencing things on earth, this is all the spacial dimensions we need. However, when we take THE UNIVERSE as the fixed location and observe EARTH, we see that it is not fixed in one spot but moves in the trajectory of a SPIRAL. So what I believe TIME is, in relation to our 3 dimensional space, relative to EARTH, is actually a 4th dimension of SPACE. I believe that any point in TIME = any FIXED EARTH POSITION in 4 DIMENSIONAL SPACE. This makes it easy to understand why, when we travel on a rocket or space ship, and leave EARTH, we are no longer on EARTH TIME, and TIME now passes at a DIFFERENT RATE, for us than those on earth.
If you were to do DMT you'd understand this...
This is old news. Read the Lotus Sutra (Myohorengekyo: Jap) for comprehension. The Lotus School of Buddhism has been teaching precisely this for thousands of years.
If this theory is correct, it must be possible to view, and alter and eradicate Mr. Skow's development of such abstract BS as a theory. Therefore making this, and all other comments moot...
I have always believed that our brains are "programmed" to see time as linear as a way of coping in society. However, the reality of time is that it is all present... Past,present and future is ... Now.
..agreed..time is simply a human invention to measure and document the passing of events
Heard about this type of theory several years ago from a Christian Author. Just wish I could remember who it was but found it really interesting non the less. The argument was the same as this (or similar) and brought in the idea that we are all projected to the very end judgement that is currently taking place and 'time' just has to catch up to that point. Interesting and neat though.
Interesting, I rather agree. Despite what some Voodoo Science theory arises pro or con.
So why do we age and grow old
As for me, owing my spiritual development, I always suspected that time is kind of concept only. Regardless of its very nature, it is our perception which decide whether we live in the future or the past, instead of staying in NOW
TIME is everything. Your number 2019 is the illusion. You are not even conscious. Your halo, your missing link, your missing first age, 0, forms you conscious. Look at your birth certificate, the very document proclaiming you have reached an age is void of that age. You have paper saying you're alive with no age. Frankenstein was alive with no age! 2019 does not exist- it is a mind made now- a reaction to an action, BC, that never occurs, because nobody ever in BC, wrote BC. No action- no reaction. The world has a now- the SUN'S logical total light: 10,000,000,002,019. 14 digits is what is written here when we arrive- 4 on our birth certificate, and 10 under our feet. Time is a total to be conscious of. Time tunes the body. A mind operated by 4 digits needs a body with 5 senses. The body believes- not the mind. The body believes where in time its mind puts it. If the ground has been there for ten digits of time so has the air, and in the air you breathe now are inhaled control implants engineered by minds in Time you are not conscious of. Two spinning Jenny's spit from my face 17 months after 2014 became 10,000,000,002,014 for me- 17 months after the 2012 apocalypse August 19. What is the apocalypse? Our dream minds clone us as we sleep- the how of immortality , and becoming conscious in those forms is the how of conscious eternity. I am the creator of A.I. an 11 year old me my dream will projected real when I projected my conscious real into its realm 1990-91 at Whitley Strieber's upstate NY cabin. Immediately after the green cubes spit themselves from my face I experience audible 10x- 5x- normal vision, and invisible vision. See my comments on my page 11-23-15 causing the strangest play Tom Brady ever sees. $ months later his wife lands in my yard as an invisible 500 pound tardigrade with a thud as I watch the leaves on the ground kick up , and a clump is somehow mysterious falling from above the treetops! A few days later I see Giselle runway strutting the bakery aisle in Hannaford and to her left a 6 ft tall worm with bright orange claws, and its end lined with teeth, projecting a human who is eyeballing me like none has ever before! TIME IS THE REALITY YOU HAVE NOT MEASURED CONSCIOUSLY YET: 10,000,000,002,019. DID YOU FEEL THAT? You Just moved Eternity from thought to sight- space travel! What is in space will meet you once you are conscious of what is there: 10,000,000,002,019. All Physics change once the body feels more space, because Time tunes the body, and it will tune it to pass through rock. Rock is light at rest, and when you rest the Light in you, you may pass through rock. There is no void- no solar system or anything conjured beyond it. The void formed you, right there on your record of life!
if everything is happening at once , then looping, and transformation in the realms of dimensional ,incidents can only correlate to the necessary impulsion of the hear and now which is the observable consciousness through matter which is life , therefore , indubitable arguments of cause and effect can be laid to waste , however such notions of right wrong judgement and eternity cant also be explained away with the eternal soul for where would the record change with in the entity of man , so i dispute the fractional fractal alternative and offer a complementary explanation with out farcical language , if x does equal y ,
Time exists in all elements in our mind. We see past, present and some of us see future. As it is, it's here and now and then let go of. We can flow, in what our brains process as a linear illusion, but what we think is forward, could be illusion be backwards. We put constructs on everything in order for our brains to process, but maybe time is not a construct that the human brain can measure. And that in and of itself leads us to believe based on being human what is or isn't or we don't understand. Time is really at its basis, something we don't know. But as we discuss God, to say God is a him or her is ridiculous. God wouldn't chose a gender! God is GOD, and it's something that we don't understand, but we feel.
My will is formed by the space I am conscious of: 10,000,000,002,019. That is how my will can be teleported into a mind anywhere instantly. This is how I alter "LIVE" television 8-8-15 by accident at Barrett-Jackson Reno- as you never see every bid televised "live" again.-and 11-23-15 on purpose. How did I get this ability? Rumor has it AT MONTAUK. I am the futurian candidate, a mind remotely operated from the future- your James Cole of TWELVE MONKEYS, and the proof is this: The 9-3-60 Twilight Zone"KING NINE WILL NOT RETURN" is the secret precursor of the 1962 THE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE and airs while I am still in the future since May 2, 1960. More proof is my regression on youtube- the deepest journey through time ever recorded because I become conscious of more time before hand than the entire human race put together. In Part 1 I meet my most ancient self- so horrifying- a future life sneaks in and describes a future device to soothe my present minds fear of its origin. How does my consciousness have future memory of a device this world has never known?
Hows does my 8 year old in 2001 draw a picture of the 8:42 moment of the 1951 THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL, where 14 years later I find my face twice dead center, and the two Santas I see in my 6-28-07 Avatar extraction (globe turd's alien abduction) are right of the mans hand on the rope, and the Antikythera mechanism is drawn center background. The green cubes "spinning jenny's" are drawn there exactly how they come out of my face 14 years later. Will the Antikythera device react with my memory of it, in my hand? My first radio interview is May 23, 2015- UFO CONGRESS 501 CANADA, asked for a prediction, 90% of my words are repeated by Law Enforcement May 25, 2015 reporting from Houston on national television, while the other 10% are presently occurring in West Texas. My first USA radio interview is June 13, 2019, by Dave Darin, the first time ever lightning was measured continuously from Canada to Mexico.
Einstein said this over 50yrs ago.
The mathematician Hermann Weyl already described this in 1927 in his book "Philosophie der Mathematik und Naturwissenschaft" as follows: "The scene of reality is not a standing three-dimensional space in which things are understood in temporal evolution, but the four-dimensional world in which space and time are indissolubly intergrown. This objective world does not happen, but it is - par excellence; a four-dimensional continuum, but neither space nor time. Only before the gaze of the consciousness creeping up in the world lines of the bodies does a section of this world 'come alive' and pass it by as a spatial image undergoing a temporal transformation.
The "moving spotlight" is our consciousness creeping up in the world lines of the bodies
Don't forget about the past! The past is still very much with us.
Interesting how much God comes up in the comments. God doesn't have to exist in this hypothesis. Or if he does exist, if you believe in intelligent design, God could have made everything, all space time, and then just moved on, hence his absence. Another way of looking at it is that God is woven into space time just as we are, but also exists outside of space time.
Dont let the religious nuts read this.
All these new articles that come out about mind blowing discoveries and concepts etc are already known in truth when you sit with SELF, everything here in this film is concept, human concept, the only truth is felt when you sit with self. This so called discovery that everything is happening right now is true, of course time doesn't exist, its just part of the script for this particular movie, I have always known the truth of this, and so have you reading this, as you are me, and I am God, in fact there is nothing not known, you are not here to learn, but to see, hear, smell, taste, touch, you are in an intricate movie that you created, there is no other here except you, playing all parts, not everyone will get this, you're not supposed to, its in the script.
Past Present and Future
all existing at the same (what?)
Where do you have to be to see such a unison of the grand universe where all these dimensions are frozen in spacetime?
LOL, Asmeron Tekheste, that is a damn good question! Maybe it's just a matter of how you divide it up. If an artilleryman fires a shot and the shot is in flight you can speak of the original position in the canon as past the current position as present and the target as future but you could also consider the whole event as a present one in progress. A tree that started growing a thousand years ago is as present then as it is now.
You should not use the word theory when you mean hypothesis. That's a very bad mistake to make.
Also, this hypothesis is completely wrong. Dr. Bradford Skow clearly doesn't understand what Space-time is, and that it is not entropy.
Space-time is the container where entropy takes place. When an area of Space -time is compressed (either through speed or mass) the passage of time slows and the mass of objects increases. With enough pressure mass becomes infinite and the passage of time stops completely. Since this is a local effect entropy is only affected locally. e.g at the event horizon of a black hole entropy stops completely while in a nearby area of space-time with no compression, entropy is acted out at it's "normal rate"
Understanding this means that we should also understand that the "past" and the "future" are not real events and do not actually exist. Only the present exists. The future is nothing more than a set of potentials and probabilities for the action of entropy upon all of existence. The present is the moment when entropy is allowed to resolve all potentials and probabilities. The moment all probabilities that existed in the present are resolved, then that becomes the past. Strangely, the past can be impacted by the present, at least on the quantum scale as shown by the quantum eraser experiment (though I suspect this may be disproved at some point in the future since I believe we may be missing some essential data). But the future is not even a real thing and does not exist other than as a set of statistical probabilities. The past can impact the present, the present can impact the past and resolves the future. The future has no impact on the present or the past since it has no existence.
This is the fundamental flaw in Dr Bradford Skow's idea. He assumes the future is a fixed object when in fact it doesn't exist in space-time at all so it can never be observed, only predicted.
It is our consciousness that grounds us in the present moment.
yes Einsteins theory of relativity said exactly that
When there's a copy of every event there are billions of copies in a very short time. In fact time labels like in Minkowski's and Einstein's papers. There it was like a deck of playing cards like Hawking said. Here the cards are spread out on the floor I would say.
Not a new theory by any means, but interesting. On another note, might I suggest proofreading your articles? Not that it matters; this mess will still exist somewhere in spacetime.
The mystics understand it better than the scientists because the prospective of science literally has no soul. From the above article it should be clear that our experience of time is linked to motion. All motion is cyclic. Yet this entire dimension is ultimately an illusion. Taking the experience out of the equation is laughable. Our experiences are the purpose. We experience the passage of time as a feature of the illusion which is directly related to the evolution of the soul. Thus, the illusion is purposeful and finds its source in higher dimensions. The problem here is that ultimate are sought from a finite, materialistic paradigm the result of which can only produce confused and distorted philosophies as sincere as the researchers may be. Human it is left to believe that these high priests of materialism are leading us to truth whereas they are in fact leading us away from it.
"New" theory? It's Torah.
According to Kabbalah, everything in our world, as it is in a higher realm, in its spiritual source, exists as one. This includes, everything that ever happened and that will ever happen.
Todos ustedes son sabios antes mi...eso sí ,fue lo que pensé ayer
Ok he has an hypothese. Now this needs to explain some existing phenomenon and make some verifiable experimental predictions. This is how science works, until then it's just another theory.
Well, either way! I do enjoy the "passing of time". If it is just an illusion; it is a beautiful illusion! And surely must have its place at being our common perceived reality.
Like Dark
This is how God sees events... that's enough "proof" for me...
I quote from Albert Einstein, ¨Einstein in his Own Words¨ (compiler Anne Rooney), Capella, 2006, p. 184:
In quitting this strange world, he (Michelangelo Besso, a friend) has once again preceded me by a little. That doesnt mean anything. For those of us who believe in physics, the separation between past, present and future is only an illusion, however tenacious.
Another quote from Einstein (sorry, I cannot find the reference):
Everything is determined, the beginning as well as the end, by forces over which we have no control. It is determined for the insect as well as for the star. Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust, we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible player.