Universe is Not Expanding- After All, Controversial- learn Suggests

In their learn, the scientists tested one of the striking predictions of the Big Bang theory – that usual geometry does not work at huge distances. In the space around us, on Earth, in the Solar System & our Milky Way Galaxy, as similar objects get farther left they look fainter and smaller. Their surface brightness, that is the brightness per unit area, remnants constant.

In contrast, the Big Bang theory tells us that in a growing Universe objects actually should come into view fainter but bigger. Thus in this theory, the exterior brightness decreases with the distance. In addition, the light is prolonged as the Universe prolonged, further dimming the light. So in an expanding Universe the majority distant galaxies should have hundreds of times dimmer outside brightness than similar nearby galaxies, making them really undetectable with present-day telescopes.

But that is not what comments show, as demonstrated by  this latest study published in the International Journal of Modern Physics D. The scientists carefully compare the size and brightness of about a thousand near and extremely distant galaxies. They chose the majority luminous spiral galaxies for comparisons, matching the standard luminosity of the close to and far samples. Contrary to the forecast of the Big Bang theory, they establish that the surface brightnesses of the near & far galaxies are identical.

These results are reliable with what would be predictable from normal geometry if the Universe was not expanding, and are in disagreement with the drastic dimming of surface brightness predict by the increasing Universe hypothesis.

“Of course, you can hypothesize that galaxies were a great deal smaller, and thus had hundreds of times greater inherent surface brightness in the past, and that, presently by coincidence, the Big Bang dimming precisely cancels that greater brightness at all distance to produce the illusion of a steady brightness, but that would be a very huge coincidence,” Mr Lerner said.

That was not the only startling result of their study. In order to apply the surface brightness test, 1st  proposed in 1930 by physicist Richard C. Tolman, the team had to decide the actual luminosity of the galaxies, so as to match near & far galaxies. To do that, the astrophysicists had to link the space to the galaxies with their redshift. They hypothesized that the space is proportional to the redshift at all distances, as is fine verified to be the case in the near Universe.

They checked this relative between redshift and space with the data on supernova brightness that has been used to measure the hypothesized accelerated growth of the Universe.
“It is startling that the predictions of this simple formula are as first-class as the predictions of the expanding Universe theory, which include complex correction for hypothetical dark matter and dark energy,” said learn co-author Dr Renato Falomo of the Osservatorio Astronomico di Padova, Italy.

Dr Riccardo Scarpa from the Instituto de Astrofısica de Canarias, Spain, who is a co-author of the learn, added: “again you could take this to be just coincidental, but it would be a second huge coincidence.”

Therefore if the Universe is not increasing, the redshift of light with increasing distance ought to be caused by some other phenomena – something that happens to the glow itself as it travels through space.
    “We are not speculate now as to what could cause the redshift of light, though, such a redshift, which is not associated with expansion, could be experiential with suitable spacecraft within our own Solar System in the outlook.” Mr Lerner said. 

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